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Golf course wetting agent

Apr 8, 2020

Greens are an important area for golf course maintenance. However, the maintenance of golf courses is not only about the maintenance of lawn plants on the green. The salt in the soil is also an aspect that requires the attention of golf course maintenance staff.

The use of rinsing greens on golf courses has a history. For many years, turf directors have been using this technology to remove salt from the soil. This measure is widely used in areas with high salinity in irrigation water. However, in this process, there are not many wrong courses that intend to use large amounts of water to flush the green. Not only will this fail to achieve the established goals, but it will aggravate the salt problem.

Wetting agents and soil amendments are typical projects carried out before washing operations. In areas involving high sodium content, the testing laboratory can recommend the ratio of gypsum based on soil testing, climate, and soil texture. Before rinsing, it is common to apply 10 to 12 pounds of green grade gypsum per 1,000 square feet of putting green through hollow hole punching. In addition, in fairways or long grass areas, the soil laboratory will recommend the use of 500 to 700 pounds of gypsum per acre.

Many different products on the market today advertise that they can remove salt and sodium from the soil. However, soil scientists believe that gypsum is the best material to prevent salt accumulation, especially sodium, and that salt and sodium must be removed from the root system This can only be achieved with effective flushing measures.

If the salt problem is not particularly serious in this area, the application of soil surfactants or wetting agents before the flushing operation can increase the ability of water infiltration and help to remove soluble salts from the root zone.

There are five steps that can effectively reduce soil salinity during the flushing of greens:
1. Soil and water testing
2. Soil drilling and ventilation
3. Application of gypsum, wetting agent and soil improver
4. Flush
5. Nutrient supply

This is a special measure, not only need to soak the green with water. The court must do every step as completely as possible to achieve the best results.

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